The History of Vacaresti

Văcărești Nature Park, 1989 Photo credit: Andrei Bîrsan

The Văcărești Natural Park, situated in the floodplain of the Dâmbovița River, emerged in an area characterized by low-lying ponds and dense reed beds. In the early 18th century, the Văcărești Monastery was constructed atop a nearby elevation, commissioned by Constantin Mavrocordat, the then-ruler of Wallachia. Surrounding hills were cultivated with vineyards and fruit trees, creating a picturesque landscape.

Over the years, this region experienced significant changes. Gardens, orchards, and modest houses gradually took over the area, reflecting the colonization by local inhabitants. As Bucharest expanded, the landscape evolved with streets paved in river stones, and the emergence of small factories and industries. The once-rural area transformed into an urban space, with gardens increasingly dedicated to supplying local markets with vegetables and flowers.

A major shift occurred in 1988 when the communist regime initiated an ambitious hydro-technical project: the development of Văcărești Lake. This project required the expropriation of land and properties. However, due to execution flaws, significant infiltrations led to the flooding of surrounding areas, particularly affecting Popești-Leordeni. This resulted in a temporary suspension and, following the political changes of 1989, the project was definitively abandoned.

In the following years, nature reclaimed the area. Without human intervention, the site underwent a spontaneous process of rewilding, gradually becoming a sanctuary for diverse species of flora and fauna.

The presence of an impressive array of bird species, including some rare ones, drew attention to the area. In 2012, a group of protected area specialists – who would later form the Association Parcul Natural Văcărești – embarked on a mission to establish a natural park. This endeavor involved extensive research, documentation, lobbying, and civic engagement. Their efforts culminated in the official declaration of Parcul Natural Văcărești as a government-recognized natural park in 2016.

Description of the park’s biodiversity

The Văcărești Natural Park is a unique urban oasis in Romania, being the country's first urban natural park, located just 5 km from the center of the capital, covering a generous area of 183 hectares. This green gem provides residents of Bucharest and its visitors with a rare opportunity to experience wilderness right in the heart of the city. The importance of this urban park extends beyond aesthetic and recreational benefits to play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of the metropolitan area. The park serves as a habitat for various plant and animal species, contributing to biodiversity conservation and providing a conducive environment for community ecological education. It serves as an essential recreational space, promoting the health and mental well-being of residents and establishing a direct connection between urban living and nature. Thus, the Văcărești Natural Park not only makes the urban landscape more beautiful, but also becomes a significant pillar in promoting sustainability and ecological awareness within the community.


Nature Between Apartment Buildings

In 2022, the Văcărești Natural Park Association initiated the "Nature Between Blocks" project, focusing on protecting urban natural areas in Bucharest. The goal was to make these places more accessible and more clean, contributing to optimal conditions for the conservation of local species and habitats.


The NATALIE project, funded through the European Union's Horizon 2020 program, began in September 2023, with the Văcărești Natural Park Association, Sector 4 City Hall, and Business Development Group as Romanian partners in the international consortium. The aim is to capture, store, and reuse excess water from intense rainfall periods to restore the lost temporary pond network in the Văcărești Natural Park.


The Green Barrier

In 2019, the Green Barrier project started to surround the Văcărești Natural Park with over 10,000 trees and shrubs. Diverse species, such as field maple, brumal oak, birch, and wild fruit trees, are planted and cared for to create a green corridor around the park. The goal is to gradually develop this green space, providing refuge for animals and create natural connections between the park and the city.


Crossing Through Green

The "Crossing Through Green" project aims to integrate nature into the city and facilitate access to quality green spaces. The focus is on connecting vegetation areas along the Dâmbovița River with the Văcărești Natural Park. We analyze the flora and fauna along the river to propose landscaping directions, with the next step being the design of an ecological corridor between the Văcărești Natural Park and the Dâmbovița River to improve connectivity and species dispersion.


The Butterfly Path

The project infrastructure includes a specially designed path with signs, maps, and informative panels dedicated to butterfly species and their habitats. Facilities such as insect hotels, specifically created for pollinators like solitary bees, and hibernation boxes for butterflies are available on the path. These measures ensure not only the conservation but also the improvement of conditions for various butterfly species in the area.


Urban Nature - Forms and Sounds

The project's objective includes developing audio and video resources for safe learning and exploration of the park, as well as creating educational experiences for 50 children from special schools in Bucharest. This initiative involves conducting 10 thematic workshops focused on the life of plants and animals specific to the park.


National Network of Urban Natural Areas 2021-2023

Over the next two years, in collaboration with partner organizations, we aim to mobilize urban communities to identify, document, map, and promote 10 natural areas in major cities across the country and another 5 in the urban and peri-urban space of Bucharest.


Green City Lab

Within the Green City's Lab project, the contribution of the Văcărești Natural Park to the well-being of the local community and the city is assessed. Data on trees, water, biodiversity, and the local community were collected over a period of 12 months, starting from October 2019, to build a new profile of the park, transforming it into a green laboratory for the city.


Garden Between Ponds

We transformed a degraded plot in the Văcărești Natural Park, polluted with waste and filled with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation, into a meadow rich in melliferous plants. The goal was to create a suitable environment for pollinating insects in Văcărești and the surrounding areas.


The Little Naturalist

The project aimed to inspire young visitors to the Văcărești Natural Park to become future explorers and conservationists through activities such as free thematic workshops, lectures in the park or at the Observatory, film screenings, and meetings with various specialists in the field.


Journey into the Hive

Since pollination is crucial for human and environmental survival, and considering the alarming decline of pollinating insects, "Journey into the Hive" seeks to contribute to the protection and restoration of their habitats. The project also acts as a platform to promote urban beekeeping, involving research, education, and social aspects. The collaboration between entomologists, beekeepers, artists, and teachers from schools in Bucharest represents an integrated approach to increase public awareness of the role of the Văcărești Natural Park in maintaining a healthy pollinator population.