Our Association

The Văcărești Natural Park Association (VNPA) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2014. Our mission is to conserve biodiversity in urban environments and promote natural areas. VNPA was instrumental in the establishment of the first urban natural park in Romania, Văcărești Natural Park in Bucharest. This park, categorized as a landscape protected area (IUCN Category V), was officially recognized by the Romanian Government on May 10, 2016.

Since 2016, VNPA has developed and coordinated more than 20 initiatives and community projects dedicated to conserving, reconstructing, and promoting urban biodiversity. In the past decade, our projects and programs have engaged over 10,000 students, university scholars, and teachers, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature.

In 2021, VNPA launched the Network for Urban Natural Areas in Romania. This initiative supports the planning and legal establishment of natural protection areas in urban settings. The Network (established as an NGO in 2021) includes 12 founding partners, all non-governmental organizations, and operates across 10 Romanian cities.

Beginning in 2023, VNPA became a part of the NATALIE project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101112859), funded through the EU Horizon program. Working alongside 37 partners, this program aims to innovate in addressing climate change by implementing nature-based solutions in various European bioregions.

Our team, based in Bucharest, comprises seven dedicated individuals. VNPA operates on an annual budget of approximately 200,000 euros, funded by private donations, European, and national funds.

Our mission

To actively promote and support the conservation of biodiversity in urban and peri-urban environments is our core mission at the Văcărești Natural Park Association. We envision a future where nature is not just a part of urban infrastructure but a major, integral component. In this vision, natural spaces within cities play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for residents. They are not only oases of tranquility but also hubs of healthy recreation and ecological education. By facilitating public access to these green spaces, we aim to foster a deeper connection between people and the environment, contributing significantly to the overall well-being of the community.

The association has three strategic objectives:

• Văcărești Natural Park as a Model for Urban Nature Conservation:

Develop innovative projects in partnership with public authorities, facilitate community involvement, and support connections to the city's green-blue infrastructure to establish Văcărești Natural Park as a model for nature conservation in the urban environment.

• Promoting Knowledge and Conservation of Urban Natural Areas:

Support the understanding and conservation of urban natural areas in Bucharest and Romania. Promote areas such as Băneasa Forest, Dâmbovița Delta, and Colentina Valley (the chain of lakes in the northwest of the city) in Bucharest. Collaborate and support the National Network of Urban Natural Areas at the national level.

• Supporting Nature and Biodiversity Education:

Foster nature and biodiversity education through dedicated projects for students, teachers, and the general public, emphasizing the importance of understanding and preserving the natural environment.

For more information or to propose a collaboration, please contact us at contact@parcnaturalvacaresti.ro.

You can support VNPA’s projects here: Doneaza!
Or by direct transfer:
Alpha Bank, Sucursala Stirbey Voda, Bucharest
Account: RO74BUCU2281215941096RON
Tax ID: 34113543