The birds of the city

The Văcărești Nature Park Association has launched, with the support of Enel România, a program for monitoring the birds in the Văcărești Nature Park.

The program includes activities of assessment of the bird species, the identification of each individual species' status (nesting, passage, wintering, sedentary), the monitoring of the populations' dynamics and the use of the habitats, the organizing of bird-watching tours and visitation of the main types of habitats for: meadow birds, night birds, waterfowl, birds of prey and field birds, marking sessions for the study of migration, communication and information actions with respect to the importance of protecting wild birds.

The project also includes citizen science activities. Thus, the project team mobilized a group of 10 volunteers who go to the park on a regular basis, in order to conduct observation and monitoring activities.

Pursuant to the project's activities, 22 species have been added to the list of birds observed in the park, alongside the 116 already identified up to the moment of designation of the protected natural area (May 2016).

In the future, the project team intends to set up new habitat, feeding and nesting areas, in view of attracting new species.

Financer: Enel România

Partners: The Bucharest Municipality Mayor's Office and the "Romanian Waters" National Administration

For further details regarding this project: Vlad Cioflec, biolog, e-mail: